Index for Text level Work (part 1)

Page 3

*The entries in italics are included in an appendix to this index. This supplementary index provides a greater level of detail about the work on each of the different forms of text mentioned in the framework document (explanatory texts, information texts, instructions, letters, notes, persuasive texts, playscripts, poems, recounts, reports and stories).

Index of themes



Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Reading: range of types of texts

read stories














read poems














read/use index/contents pages; dictionaries/bibliographies; classification systems etc.







read playscripts









read information texts





read instructional texts








read letters






read reports (newspaper reports; non-chronological reports)






read explanatory texts








read arguments/discussions; advertisements/persuasive texts








widen reading experience




read recounted texts




read examples of word play




read/use notes




read a range of texts from different cultures




older literature




read biography and autobiography




compare written version of story/play with film/TV version




read periodicals, reviews, reports, leaflets




read a range of literary texts




read examples of official language




study in depth one genre




read a range of non-fiction texts



Reading skills/strategies - skimming, scanning, close reading, appraising text

"scaning" to locate information quickly and accurately




strategies for reading IT texts




scan texts for key words or phrases




describe/review own reading habits




develop active attitude to reading




scanning; skimming; close reading




to appraise a text quickly and effectively




scanning/skimming for efficient research



Reading: research skills

use contents, index, headings, sub-headings, page nos., bibliographies





locate books by their classification




prepare for research by reviewing what is known/what they need to find out etc.






locate information confidently and efficiently









keeping a reading log/journal







Reading: readers‘ response/writing in response to texts read

make a record of information from texts read



express their views about story/poem, identify words/phrases to support view



describe/sequence key incidents of a story in a variety of ways




write book reviews for a specified audience




evaluate stories, justify preferences




re-tell main points of a story




review a range of stories




appraise a non-fiction book




write about an issue or dilemma raised in a story




discuss enduring appeal of established authors/‘classic’ texts




evaluate a book, referring to details/examples




compare different versions of the same story




compare/evaluate different sources




consider/evaluate cultural features in relation to own experience




identify cultural features by reference to the text




evaluate texts for persuasiveness, clarity, quality of information




write discursively about a novel/story




compare/evaluate printed version with film/TV version




discuss literature constructively; articulate personal responses




success of texts/writers in evoking particular responses




discuss writers choice of style and form




write book summaries, relevant to purpose; brief synopsis of a text




write brief helpful review tailored for real audience




raise & refine personal responses to a text




reading, investigating, writing*






Reports (including non-chronological reports; newspaper reports)

reading, investigating, writing*










read, compare and investigate*














stories - story settings: investigating and writing*






stories - characters in stories*










stories - structure and organisation of stories*











stories - point of view/narrative view*









see also note making*











‘fact’, ‘fiction’, ‘non-fiction’



fact and opinion




ballad, sonnet, rap, elegy, narrative poem




verse, chorus, couplet, stanza, rhyme, rhythm, alliteration




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