Index for Text level Work (part 1)

Page 4

*The entries in italics are included in an appendix to this index. This supplementary index provides a greater level of detail about the work on each of the different forms of text mentioned in the framework document (explanatory texts, information texts, instructions, letters, notes, persuasive texts, playscripts, poems, recounts, reports and stories).

Index of themes



Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Writing: planning writing

plan main points as a structure for story; story plan for own myth, fable, traditional tale




plot a sequence of episodes modelled on known story




identify the stages of telling a story; use different ways of planning stories




the presentation of a point of view




plan, compose, edit, refine short explanatory texts/short non-chronological reports




draft, write individual, group or class letters for real purposes




plan quickly and effectively; use IT to plan, revise, edit writing




Writing - range of forms

writing dialogue



writing poems














writing descriptions






writing playscripts





writing stories (whole or part)














writing notes/summaries












writing about characters






writing instructions






writing book reviews/about a story











writing letters






writing reports/commentary










writing explanations






writing arguments/persuasive writing; advertisements








make alphabetically ordered texts




writing a first person account




writing messages matched to intended reader




writing about the same event in different forms




writing about an issue or dilemma raised in a story




evaluating their work




writing from another character‘s point of view




writing a commentary on an issue




creating biographical and autobiographical writing (in role)




write using a journalistic style




writing commentaries/summaries crediting others views




parody a literary text




producing an extended, polished piece of writing in studied genre




write use different genres as models




write using impersonal style (including present tense/passive voice)




compare texts in writing



Writing - techniques/skills of

begin using paragraphs in dialogue/in stories



write for a known audience



write using simple formats to capture key points




use IT to bring writing to a published form




organise writing into paragraphs




write independently, linking own experience to situations in historical stories




improving cohesion of written instructions




improve cohesion of written explanations




record and acknowledge sources in their own writing




review and edit writing to match audience




write in the style of the author




use IT to plan, revise, edit and bring to a publication standard (incl. layout/presentation)




develop a journalistic style/use the styles/conventions of journalism




write in well linked paragraphs




select the appropriate style/form for purpose/audience




annotate passages in response to questions



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