Appendix: Index of Text Level Work (part 2)

Index of work on particular types of texts

Page 5





Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Stories: point of view/ narrative view

different voices in stories














investigate styles and voices of traditional story language














narrative viewpoint; perspectives from different characters














identify point of view from which a story is told; how this effects reader














change point of view/narrator














viewpoint in a novel, identifying the narrator; implicit/explicit points of view














explaining different points of view, influence on the reader’s view of events













Stories - writing

generate ideas by brainstorming, word association














collect words/phrases/sentences for story openings/endings/short descriptions














write own passages of dialogue














write descriptions of known places; descriptions in the style of familiar story














write alternative sequels to traditional stories














identifying intended audience














write more extended stories














write openings to stories or chapters














use paragraphs to organise/sequence narrative














collaborate to write stories in chapters for particular audience














write own examples of descriptive, expressive language














write an alternative ending for a known story














write own longer stories














write a story about a dilemma














experiment with ways of opening a story














write own versions of legends, myths, fables














change point of view/narrator














write from another character’s point of view














manipulate narrative perspective














write own story using flashbacks/story within a story














write an extended story













Summarising: see also note making

summarise the content of a passage/text orally and in writing














summarise using key words/phrases














summarise a sentence/paragraph; in writing the key ideas from a paragraph/chapter














summarise a passage, chapter or text














summarising fairly competing views













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