Appendix: Index of Text Level Work (part 2)

Index of work on particular types of texts

Page 2





Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Newspaper reports

see Reports













Non-chronological reports

see Reports













Notes (see also summarising)

making clear notes - purposes of/for notes; different audiences; key words/points














ways of writing ideas, messages, in shortened forms














note-making, revise/extend work from previous term; using abbreviations














writing notes matched to intended reader














note making by editing down a sentence














annotating and selecting key headings, words or sentences














making short notes; filling out brief notes into connected prose














using simple abbreviations in note making














note making for different purposes














discuss purposes of note-taking














using notes in their own writing or speaking














making notes as preparation for storytelling














making notes ‘in your own words’; when to copy, quote, adapt














converting personal notes into notes for others














filleting passages for relevant information













Persuasive writing

features of; how style/vocabulary are used to convince reader














read & evaluate advertisements; compare/evaluate arguments and discussions














present a point of view, linking points persuasively (use writing frames if necessary)














design advertisement using linguistic/other features of adverts














construct/evaluate an argument in note form/full text to persuade others














reading text which informs and persuades














collect and investigate; identify how opinion can be disguised as fact














how arguments are constructed to be effective; writing effective arguments














writing a balanced report of a controversial issue














read, prepare and present/perform a playscript














write playscripts based on reading/oral work














compare playscripts with prose














chart build-up of a scene in a play














compare organisation of scripts with stories














writing playscripts














writing playscripts, applying conventions














writing an evaluation














annotating a section of a playscript for performance














building tension, communicating character in words/gesture














conventions of scripting, writing, applying conventions














prepare a short section of story as a script














compare/evaluate printed version of a script with film/TV version













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